Forum Replies Created
it’s not a “custom code” I just do a echo of your function as you suggested earlier
I did not add css, I do not strip or do any kind of manipulation to the output of your function
guess it would be the same my “echo(ngg..)” as the option you just suggestedi just have a php-in-posts and do a
echo (ngg…);
[/php]ok.. will try that later. thank you
i’m ok to define a css style or something
let me know
thank youhi,
I have php in my posts and I do a echo(nggRelated….
with the legacy function i had a if function exists…. … ..thank you
you can switch between the legacy and the new if you switch languages
https://www.panoramapalace.com/nazare-portugal/the output is exactly the same.. a stair
what i’ve seen in “inspect” element is lots of html paragraph ‘<p>’
may be that’s what the newline is about.thank you for your help
thank you for the fast reply
will try and post feedback hereForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Gallery Custom Links] default -> new windowi’m on shared hosting too
much faster now
i’m dealing with 1000 images (and no chance here)
but with 200 and something images works
so I’ll make paginationand images show up with or without open_all_in_new_window=”true”
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Gallery Custom Links] default -> new windowsorry.. bad news…
although this makes no sense…i had a gallery with few pics (a dozen or so)
made the update
and it workeddeleted all the media
uploaded new media
created another gallerymade the teste:
with plugin activated
i get images and open in new tab but taking several time with the code -> [gallery link="post" open_all_in_new_window="true" columns="4" ids="2324,2323,2322,2321,2320,2319,2318,2317,2316,2315,2314,2313"]i dont get the images with the code -> [gallery link="post" columns="4" ids="2324,2323,2322,2321,2320,2319,2318,2317,2316,2315,2314,2313"]
with lots of images (300)
i get this error
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in …../plugins/wp-gallery-custom-links/wp-gallery-custom-links.php on line 276disabling the plugin all goes fast and the 300 images appear pretty fast
thank you for your time.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Gallery Custom Links] default -> new windowand it is even better than a global setting because like this you can set it in a gallery basis
very nice and it works
thanks.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Gallery Custom Links] default -> new windowsure it will!
thanks!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Gallery Custom Links] default -> new window??
and.. how about a tweak?
they are about 3000 pictures ??1 by 1 will get me a tendinitis ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] taller images and fotomotoworks!! you’re THE MAN!
its almost perfect with a slideshow…
i really need the slideshow because it is a massive photo website and so people should be able to navigate easily from one picture to another.thanks
this was how it looked
please consider fotomoto one of these days and they’ll put your plugin on “plgiuns that support photomoto” list.
thanks again.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] taller images and fotomotohi opajaap
i wrote to fotomoto asking for help hereand they pointed me this way
https://support.fotomoto.com/customer/portal/articles/768881-integrating-fotomoto-into-an-image-gallerybasically what they say was “add this bellow the image in a single image page”
<div id=”FotomotoToolbar” class=”FotomotoToolbarClass”></div>can you tell me where to add this in the “single photo” page.. or something to find in what file.. i’ll manage then (i hope)
i’d like it on top of the photo…https://fotoeventos.pt/galeria-fotoeventos/?locale=en_US&wppa-album=1&wppa-photo=10&wppa-occur=1
thank you for your time
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] taller images and fotomotoI-B4 worked – the photo now appears “whole”
II-A2 relates to “Breadcrumb on search results” (?)fotomoto appears in beginning but the photo slides up and hides it ??
check it herethanks for your attention
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] thumbnails and facebookyey.. i’m happy to help you with something
i have a plugin called “facebook thumbnail generator” in other website
it adds
‘<link rel=”image_src” href=”url-.to-image” />’
‘<meta property=”og:image” content=”url-to-image” />’
in the “head section”
so facebook and others can find the thumbnail to the image
hope it helps (you and me)Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] taller images and fotomotogood morning,
1st of all…i’ve been looking into the forum before i posted looking for and answer and i must congratulate you again for your fast responsesbeen looking at table III and i got no border with 5px (i cant set the width) or with e8e7e7 color….
should i edit dynamic-style.php directly?
thanks again