Forum Replies Created
Sorry for the delay,
So, typicaly, this error is created by a php 5.2 version, but if you be sure you use 5.3, i’m doubtful.
First test should be a phpinfo to verificate the version :
– write
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
in a file on you web server
– show the page in your browser.If you’re in 5.2, and you thing be with 5.3, maybe the webserver wait a directive in a htaccess file to properly choose the correct version of php to use.
yes but, i don’t switch the code to 5.2, as 5.2 is not maintain by the php devs.
So , this case is close
Cool, so this is resolved
The problem is the name of your fields for the person. You use contact as you should use Name. You have the same problem for the address (Site/Bin Address in place of Address) and for the company (Business/Company Name in place of Company).
So the simpliest solution is to add to there fields another Admin Label, this don’t change the public form and should works.
If you want more customisations, i can realize the job quickly through a job platform.
Another post created.
Hello Simon,
I don’t understand, you send me the same logs than Carlos??? Naturally, the response is the same, but i think, this is a mistake could you assure that, this is the good file.
Oh, i think, this is normal to take time to learn a new system.
Happy to know that this works for you.
I close the case,
PS: If you have others questions, i will be here ??
For me this works and the person is created at this address:
https://#######.capsulecrm.com/api/person/23260759where #### is your login, to be sure that i see the same as you i can say that is one or more characters and a number less than 6.
Verificate with attention this URL, because, all responses are OK, like i explain in the PS.
So i just think that you should test the address mentionned above and all will works.
Let me know the result.
PS :
For me and the capsule responses are clear, The person doesn’t exist, you create a person {“firstName”:”Test3″,”lastName”:”Test3Last”,”organisationName”:”Test3Company”}
the response is ok
after you create an address {“person”:{“contacts”:{“address”:{“city”:”Test3City”,”state”:”MO”,”zip”:”63129″,”country”:”United States”,”street”:”1253 Test3 Street”}}}
the response is ok too
a mail {“person”:{“contacts”:{“address”:{“city”:”Test3City”,”state”:”MO”,”zip”:”63129″,”country”:”United States”,”street”:”1253 Test3 Street”}}}
The response is ok
A number {“person”:{“contacts”:{“address”:{“city”:”Test3City”,”state”:”MO”,”zip”:”63129″,”country”:”United States”,”street”:”1253 Test3 Street”}}}
And nothing else.
So capsule save the new person and his contacts data.
It takes the url and send it in a note (one for each file). If you want more customisation and have a strong background with php look at the
file, it content all you can make.Regards,
So the first thinthe solution is to verificate yours fields name. You should have at lest one of this field (name, adresse, email, telephone). The form should be filled too. Blanck form are not send. The form should be capsule enabled too, this is visible by a capsule icon in the list of form and in the edit form page. To activate it the checkbox present in form_page>edit>advanced>capsule must be checked.
If you are sure that your form is well formed and activated. You should to activate the debug mode in the file
<plugin directory>/api/CapsuleCRMAPI.php
at the line 58
const CAPSULE_DEBUG = true;
After to have made that, errors appears if they are importants, and log are write in the directory
<plugin directory>/api/log
The directory should be writable for the web server (chmod 777 if you’re not sure).
Erase all file in the log directory.
Fill a form and validate it.
You have 4 or 5 files in the directory, you could send the file with the name debug_
in the next post.Nicolas.
The first question is “have enabled the cron?”, if yes, disable it could be resolv your issue.
The cron is enabled in the same screen than your indicate your token and your account name.
Let me know if this works.
I create another post to be clearer :
All gravity forms licences works with this plugin, this is more an advertising term, and a tribute to the works made on this excellent plugin.
In conclusion, your last sentence is true, you can have anyone licence for gravityforms, but you should have php 5.3 minimum. PHP 5.4 is naturally supported too.
I understand you but i think this is unsecure to use a version which isn’t supported (no more security patchs, no more tests).
So i don’t know if wordpress will change soon… But for me this really better to write
, more logical, better written, as you want. A sentence of wordpress is “code is poetry“. Why not use it?And the hostings services will move if wordpress move, or even if customers change to another provider.
I’m surprizing, because, it seems than many provider have make the change OVH i’m sure they have 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4, 1&1 have php 5.2 and 5.4, (i speack about there, as you’re deutch).
So, if i can resume me, i want php 5.3 and better 5.4. for the moment i can wait all the advantages of 5.4 (do you know the traits? https://php.net/manual/fr/language.oop5.traits.php this is very near multiple inheritance).
But just with 5.3, you can make many more than with 5.2, the spl is integrated, the date is an object, __DIR__, you can use static methods dynamically…
To conclude, i say one again, this is unsecure to use a version which isn’t supported anymore see https://php.net/downloads.php.
Just my two cents too,
Very cool plugin, usefull, as i always go on admin and next to gravity. This shortcut would be very cool.
I installed it ??
For the address this is good : admin.php?page=gf_capsulecrm.
A last question, could you remove the broken comment, this not really beautifull on the first page.
For the 5.2 compatibility, i went install a virtual box and make try even if i think the 5.3 version should be more an obligation to the hosting services make the migration.
Nicolas ??