Jimi Wikman
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Experiencing random “Internal server Errors” (Update WP 2.9)To large error logs, CPU and memory I can rule out since I am the host ??
Routing problem seems unlikely and package loss would effect other services as well.It’s only the post.php file that is causing this problem as far as i have seen. All else seem to work just fine.
Whats confusing is that it works sometimes and sometimes not, even when dealing with the same post. If I make a preview I always have to refresh and then it shows the page. When making new posts or updating posts it seems more random.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Experiencing random “Internal server Errors” (Update WP 2.9)I am having the same issue.
Error logs state:
[Sat Dec 19 20:54:43 2009] [error] [client xxx] Premature end of script headers: post.php, referer: https://www.mortfiles.se/xxx/wp-admin/post-new.php
[Sat Dec 19 20:54:43 2009] [error] [client xxx] File does not exist: /home/mfse01/public_html/500.shtml, referer: https://www.mortfiles.se/xxx/wp-admin/post-new.php
[Sat Dec 19 20:54:53 2009] [warn] mod_fcgid: process 19804 graceful kill fail, sending SIGKILL[Sat Dec 19 20:57:52 2009] [error] [client xxx] Premature end of script headers: post.php, referer: https://www.mortfiles.se/xxx/wp-admin/post-new.php
[Sat Dec 19 20:57:52 2009] [error] [client xxx] File does not exist: /home/mfse01/public_html/500.shtml, referer: https://www.mortfiles.se/xxx/wp-admin/post-new.php
[Sat Dec 19 20:57:59 2009] [warn] mod_fcgid: process 21878 graceful kill fail, sending SIGKILLForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Show subcategories of current categoryThanks Michael, that works perfectly!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: List subcategories as a directory in several columns?Not a bad idea…It might work.
Making the categories behave like a top navigation list…Thanks for the idea esmi, I’ll try that ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Listing categories on multiple columnsDo you have a link for this page aquadonis?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Anyway to show url or title of a blogpost in sidebar?Thanks Samboll, I guess I’ll have to hack up one of those plugins to get what I need ??
Thanks ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: [Plugin: Profilactic] Some issues I have discovered…Thanks for the hard work and keeping us updated aphatel, I appreciate that.
Any word on the FaceBook and the FriendFeed issue?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: [Plugin: Profilactic] Some issues I have discovered…Just checked my feed after removing and putting back ma.gnolia and the feed looks something like this:
<li><a class="twitter" href="https://twitter.com/Mortfiles/statuses/929494500"><span class="proftime">19:38</span> Installerer demoversionen av Access fr?m Microsoft inf?r skolprojektet...</a></li> <li><a class="lastfm" href="https://twitter.com/Mortfiles/statuses/929273123"><span class="proftime">14:35</span> Har sovit ett par timmar oh utforskar nu Last.fm lite innan familjen kommer hem...</a></li> <li><a class="lastfm" href="https://www.last.fm/music/Sabaton/_/40%3A1"><span class="proftime">14:24</span> Sabaton – 40:1</a></li> <li><a class="lastfm" href="https://www.last.fm/music/Deathstars/_/Blitzkrieg"><span class="proftime">14:18</span> Deathstars – Blitzkrieg</a></li> <li><a class="lastfm" href="https://www.last.fm/music/Cellout/_/Until+Im+Done"><span class="proftime">14:16</span> Cellout – Until Im Done</a></li> <li><a class="twitter" href="https://twitter.com/Mortfiles/statuses/929253253"><span class="proftime">13:57</span> ?r "vaken" igen och s?tter ig?ng med abetet...</a></li> <li><a class="twitter" href="https://twitter.com/Mortfiles/statuses/929122568"><span class="proftime">09:00</span> Funderar p? att g? och sova lite...n?stan klar med f?retagssektionen trots allt...</a></li> <li><a class="twitter" href="https://twitter.com/Mortfiles/statuses/929073686"><span class="proftime">07:22</span> Installerar f?retagsblog f?r att hantera f?retagssidorna och lifestrem....f?r att n?mna n?gra saker.</a></li> <li><a class="spoongraphicscouk" href="https://www.blog.spoongraphics.co.uk/tutorials/how-to-create-intense-light-streaks-in-photoshop"><span class="proftime">06:44</span> How to Create Intense Light Streaks in Photoshop [Blog.SpoonGraphics]</a></li> <li><a class="themeforest" href="https://themeforest.net/?ref=Mortfiles"><span class="proftime">06:36</span> Themeforest</a></li> <li><a class="se" href="https://www.mortfiles.se/blog/"><span class="proftime">06:33</span> Mortfiles Utvecklings Blog</a></li> <li><a class="vox" href="https://mortfiles.vox.com/library/post/vox.html?_c=feed-atom"><span class="proftime">06:19</span> Vox...</a></li>
As you can see it still mark them as the link title rather than the magnolia class (unless I need to refresh the feed somehow?) and for some reason one of the Twitter has been marked as Last.fm ??
You can see my test area here:
https://www.mortfiles.se/foretaget/lifestreamIt happens to Mortfiles.se and Pusha.se that I have added so far.
If you want to really make things easy to customize you could add the possibility to add a custom class for each feed, perhaps in an advanced mode? That way you can handle the classes for all feeds by simply allowing people to add one of their own choosing.
So if I have feed one from Mortfiles articles I could name that MFArticles and then add a icon called MFArticles.png in the image folder manually. If no class has been set it will pick the default class.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: [Plugin: Profilactic] Some issues I have discovered…Thanks ahpatel ??
No entries of facebook at all, on Profilactic or otherwise.
FriendFeed and both Twitter accounts show up in the Uh-oh area. FF has been there since I set it up, but twitter showed up yesterday after working for a while. I still get the Twitters, but its delayed bigtime ??
How do I get in touch with the team? Should I use the email feedback at profilactic dot com perhaps or is there an easier way?
…also, is it possible to add different icons for different feeds, even if they arrive from the same website?
I would for example have different icons for articles and bloggs….
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: [Plugin: NextGEN Gallery] Using galleries with custom fields?Found the solution ??
<?php $meta_id = $wp_query->post->ID; /* stores your post id in a variable */ /* This stores the defined gallery ID into a variable. Setting this to true makes sure it returns a string instead of an array */ $meta_gallery_id = get_post_meta( $meta_id, 'meta_gallery_id', true ); if( $meta_gallery_id != '' ) { $meta_gallery = '[gallery=' . $meta_gallery_id . ']'; $meta_gallery= apply_filters( 'the_content', $meta_gallery ); echo $meta_gallery; } ?>
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Category Count is displaying below the CategoryFound a way to solve this, if you have the same problem as I described above ??
in classes.php find
$link .= $cat_name . '</a>';
replace that with:
$link .= $cat_name . ' (' . intval($category->count) . ')</a>';
This will make the count show up inside the a tag. You still get the count on a second row though, so we need to remove the original code. Find:
if ( isset($show_count) && $show_count ) $link .= ' (' . intval($category->count) . ')';
and simply remove it.
Now things should work for you (fingers crossed)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Category Count is displaying below the CategoryIts likely because you have styled the link of the category as block which then makes the count drop below since its added outside the url.
- The category name(count)
The display:block takes whats inside the a tag and make it a block element and since the count is located outside that block it drops below instead. Annoying and I am not sure where in teh code to fix that.
- The category name(count)