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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Shopp Importer] Shopp Importer image ID fixHi mohsinmk:
I haven’t handled this plugin for some time now, but IIRC I didn’t have success with the subcategories either.
However, you can use separate categories (multiple ones in separate fields) and then assign them as children of other categories after import. It seems to be an acceptable workaround assuming your csv document is manageable.
Yes, makes perfect sense. Thank you!
Looks like you nailed it in this morning’s update. (we’re operational now)
I glanced at github out of curiosity to see what changed in process-download.php.btw, what I meant by editing the URL, is that instead of re-uploading the file via the “edit download” screen, I just edited the “download configuration > download files > file URL” field and saved the ‘post’.
in other words, moved the file via FTP and changed the reference.
Probably not relevant given the fix.
Thanks so much!
Keep up the great work.If I understand your question correctly I’ve tried 2 approaches.
Originally, by pasting the file’s url ‘https://blah..” and saving:
../wp-content/digital-downloads/ (this is a larger file +/- 30MB)-fail-
Then I tried the .jpg through the uploader and saving:
../wp-content/uploads/edd/2012/08/myfile.jpg (this is a small file < 1MB)-success-
Last, the zipped version, edited the url and saved:
../wp-content/uploads/edd/2012/08/ (also small < 1MB)-fail-
Hey Pippin:
Examining the actual contents of the ‘corrupt’ download shows a repeated error message:“Warning: feof(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /XXXXX-XXXXX/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/easy-digital-downloads/includes/process-download.php on line 107”
Tried a jpg, download worked just fine.
zipped the same jpg, got the endless download as before.Also (I noticed this before but didn’t mention it) Chrome console gives the following message:
“Resource interpreted as Document but transferred with MIME type application/zip”[scratches head]
Commented out line 104 in process-download.php.
Now FF will initiate the download, showing unknown filesize, but the resulting zip file weighs in at 61MB (actual zip file is 38 MB, and the downloaded file is a different size each time) and is also corrupt (archive manager “cannot open file as archive”)
Webkit browsers were doing this before, whereas FF was raising the error instead.
In case they might provide some clues, you can view my request headers here:
Thanks for your assistance.
Dude, your level of engagement is remarkable.
Thank you so much, it works like a charm.This plugin really targets a niche that is neglected IMO (a non-bloated cart to handle the specific needs of digital goods).
Hey guys,
I am looking at this same issue. (BTW great plugin Pippin)
I’ve got edd installed.
My client has a business paypal account. I have drilled down everywhere in Paypal settings and can’t find any shipping config specific to the API. All the shipping methods are set to override methods per transaction.My outgoing header (with a few bits XXX-ed out): &amount=8 &[email protected] &item_name=Green &[email protected] &no_shipping=1 &no_note=1 ¤cy_code=USD &item_number=XXX &charset=UTF-8 &custom=1260 &rm=2 &return= ¬ify_url=
I believe
means “don’t prompt the user to enter their shipping information”When I added:
to the end of the url, I got the desired behavior (no shipping cost added)Cheers!
Hi Martin1,
In case I wasn’t clear about it, there’s no way to “get the images back”. The image files are untouched, they haven’t gone anywhere, but you will have to “insert” references to them into your quotes from scratch.
The other stuff in my first post is just pointing you in the right direction if you wanted to modify the plugin. Given that you’re telling me it didn’t make sense, here’s as simple as I can make it for you if you want to do a similar modification.
One caveat… you should understand that the reason for this constraint in the first place is to prevent users from inputting poorly formed (or ill-advised) html into their quote content, which can break a page layout or worse). you have been warned! ??
So the simplest thing you could do is change two lines in the file: quotes-collection-admin.php
These lines are 22 & 59. They are both identical.
$quote = wp_kses_data( stripslashes($quote) );
here’s the line after your edit:
$quote = wp_kses_post( stripslashes($quote) );
This will allow all kinds of html tags (anything you can put into post content)
So that’s a quick and dirty fix (I’d say it qualifies as a hack)
To do it more properly, you could define a global variable $myAllowedTags, copy the code from my first post, but add ‘img’ to the array with attributes ‘src’ and ‘alt’, then plug that into each function like this:global $myAllowedTags; $quote = wp_kses( stripslashes($quote), $myAllowedTags );
Have fun!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Quotes Collection] [Plugin: Quotes Collection] sql queries choking serverI too, use this plugin regularly. I pored over the code and found all queries to be using the $wpdb object. This would seem to rule out the possibility of sleeping queries.. (please correct me if I am mistaken)?
@marglar do you have any more insight into this? I am reworking the plugin for my own purposes and I would love to know if this is actually an issue. (I’m no expert on sql)
@dancingfoolvb, were your quotes over 500 characters in length?
That has caught me unawares a few times, the widget does not display at all if it finds no quotes that match the criteria you are filtering on (ie char_length or tags)
In the latest version(s) the developer has disallowed certain html elements by filtering through wp_kses_data(). The allowed tags are as follows (from kses.php in wp-includes dir)
$allowedtags = array( 'a' => array( 'href' => true, 'title' => true, ), 'abbr' => array( 'title' => true, ), 'acronym' => array( 'title' => true, ), 'b' => array(), 'blockquote' => array( 'cite' => true, ), 'cite' => array(), 'code' => array(), 'del' => array( 'datetime' => true, ), 'em' => array (), 'i' => array (), 'cite' => array()), 'q' => array( 'cite' => true, ), 'strike' => array(), 'strong' => array(), );
There are two functions in quotes-collection-admin.php which filter the quote data in this manner.. you would look for this:
$quote = wp_kses_data( stripslashes($quote) );
I believe the image tags you had in your quotes before will have been overwritten, so you’d have to re-enter them if you chose to modify the plugin. Of course, it goes without saying that if you do so, you won’t be able to update it without losing that data again.
I have adapted the plugin for my own purposes and this was one of the modifications I made.
Hope tha helps!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Custom menu item not getting current-menu-item class addedI just dealt with this same issue.
I found that not only did I have to add https://..
But also the https://www..Not sure if the trailing slash was needed or not, but there you go.